• Egg pan – pan egg. Egg knife – knife egg. Egg floor – floor egg. Dog slurp – slurp dog. #
  • finished The Cross by Scott G. Mariani. A good gory read. 5/5 http://t.co/h9M0voUs #Kindle #
  • finished The Cross by Scott G. Mariani.Good read 5/5 http://t.co/h9M0voUs #Kindle #
  • 27 illegal turkies just turned up at my door asking for asylum.
    Well I think that's what 'gobble gobble gobble' and panicked looks mean. #
  • In Dec issue of National Geographic " Cry for the Tiger" about tigers facing annihilation. Some sad pictures. @TigerTimeNow @NatGeoSociety #
  • The all-bran has done a good job of unblocking me. I'm pooing stuff I ate 5 years ago. Amazing. #
  • Just check I've got everything before going shopping. Wallet,cash,debit card,car keys,pepper spray. Yep all there. #
  • Playing Christmas tunes now. How sad. #
  • I wonder if there's a law against eating pickled onions in the bath?
    Oh bugger just dropped it. Looked like a bouncing bomb. So that's how.. #