Sun 9 Oct 2011
Twitter Updates for 2011-10-10
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2011-10-10
- It's midday and I've done nothing except pick my nose.
What does this mean? #PhilosophicalQuestions # - Taxviper blog post: It's midday and I've done noth… #
- That film Skyline on #sky premiere is Dreadful. Sort of a Battle of LA clone but really really bad. Acting abysmal. They ran out of plot. #
- The film industry make such rubbish films they wonder why they're losing money and then blame it all on piracy. #
- Anymore coffee and I'll be widdling for a week. Not to mention hanging by my feet from the electricity pylons like a bat on heat. #
- Technological development seems to have faltered since the digital disk. Have we run out of captured alien technology to copy? #
- Oh no! Dog trump. 🙁 #