Archive for September 11th, 2011

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-11

Just send me $50 and I'll send you absolutely nothing. Yes, that's right just $50 for this beautifully crafted nothing. Get 2 for just $110. # Another music streaming service. Just what we need! Deezer. Must mean something in French. tells me to push off cos I'm foreign!! # Taxviper blog post: Another music […]

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Twitter Updates for 2011-09-11

I shall now burst into song. Oi come back. Where's everybody going? # Two probes have been sent to the Moon to see what's inside. Have #NASA never heard of "The Man in the Moon"? # Taxviper blog post: I shall now burst into song. … # Amazing how it's always the numbers I […]

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Taxviper blog post: What’s thi…

Taxviper blog post: What’s this shopping channel I…

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

What’s this shopping channel I…

What’s this shopping channel I’ve stumbled on selling? Hmmm the Genie Bra! Might watch this then. Blimey she’s big.

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Taxviper blog post: Amazing ho…

Taxviper blog post: Amazing how it’s always the nu…

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Amazing how it’s always the nu…

Amazing how it’s always the numbers I don’t pick that come up in the lotto draw. Next week I’ll pick numbers I’m not picking. (?)

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Taxviper blog post: I shall no…

Taxviper blog post: I shall now burst into song. …

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Two probes have been sent to t…

Two probes have been sent to the Moon to see what’s inside. Have #NASA never heard of “The Man in the Moon”?

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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

I shall now burst into song. …

I shall now burst into song. Oi come back. Where’s everybody going?

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