• Well still no alien spacecraft or Men in Black sighted. #
  • The heating came on this morning. That's it. We're all doomed #endofsummer #
  • I want it all, and I want it now! #
  • Coolest summer since 1993.
    Must be global warming. #
  • Why are these meat flies picking on me? Bugger off! #
  • I've detected a reproducible pattern here. You cut the grass and it grows again. Cut the grass…it grows again. Hmmmm. #
  • My flock of sparrows has increased from 6 to nearly 50. (I counted the legs then divided by 2). I must be giving them too much seed feed. #
  • Oddly enough there were 99 legs so I assumed one sparrow was resting flamingo like. #
  • They've found Ned Kellys bones. How do they know it's him? Maybe he had his name tag sewn into his socks, or his name scratched on his mask. #
  • All that space junk is causing #GlobalWarming The Earths heat is reflected back by the space junk. It's like wrapping a potato in foil. #
  • What a crappy #England kit! #
  • Good game from #England to beat #Bulgaria 3-0. #
  • What more could I ask for? Cricket on TV #EngvIndODI , a gardening catalogue and a mug of Rooibos. #
  • England need a wicket soon before the game gets away. #EngvIndODI #
  • At last. A wicket. #EngvIndODI #
  • Oops. Not so sure about Dravids wicket. #EngvIndODI #
  • OK so Snicko shows a noise. #EngvIndODI #
  • Wonder if @BBCClick is showing or has some celebrity broken a fingernail that requires in-depth coverage from @BBCNews ? #
  • Taxviper blog post: OK so Snicko shows a noise. #E .. http://t.co/sVEAGwi #
  • Getting a third wheelie bin from the council in the next few days. Where to put it though? Might nail it to the chimney as a gargoyle! #
  • Hopefully the third bin (cue zither music) will replace the red box,yellow bag,blue bag,orange sack and red sack! #
  • I have to draw up a chart for when the black bin,green bin and brown bin are to be emptied! Be easier to flush the rubbish down the bog! #
  • Taxviper blog post: Getting a third wheelie bin fr… http://t.co/xRbMEVs #
  • Lovefilm not loading again. Be glad when Netflix arrives. #