• I don't know whether to do loads of work today or just sit about in the sun sipping a Vimto. #
  • England win the last test to take the series 4-0.
    Great test with an innings and 8 run win. Hard luck India. #EngvInd #
  • Don't know if it was the earthquake or my wobbly shelf made an ornament fall off it. Anyway alls well, it bounced. #
  • Scientists say there's 8.7 million species but majority haven't been identified!
    So it's just a wild guess then? My guess is 10.527 million. #
  • Pity protocols for multiple virtual https domains on one ip weren't set up. Think of all those IP's we'd have available. #itsallaboutmoney #
  • Had camera sitting next mouse. Spent a few minutes moving the camera instead of mouse. Thought PC was broken. #
  • No Doggy you're not sitting on me you're all wet after stalking imaginary rabbits in the bushes. #
  • Is Gaddafi a common name in #Libya ?
    If it is I bet a few people will be lying low and sweating a bit. #
  • Last time I was on the #Moon it was quite dry and you couldn't grow much. I wonder if it's changed much? I should pop back up and check. #
  • Make a good film. "The Hunt for Red Gaddafi." #
  • Anybody else want to announce #Apple #039;s Steve Jobs has resigned or that Mafeking has been relieved? #
  • Taxviper blog post: Anybody else want to announce … http://t.co/slPzKOf #
  • Had a trouser accident! Tried to loosen tap on full rainwater butt to fill watering can but the whole spigot and 120 ltrs of water came out! #
  • Taxviper blog post: Had a trouser accident! Tried … http://t.co/BtOuvDz #
  • I'm sure I'm repeating myself. My brain needs a new version of MySQL. #
  • Have they got him yet? #
  • News says half of adults will be obese by 2030. So they'll be thin on one side fat on the other. And it'll all happen by half past eight. #
  • No sound on #skysports2 or have I suddenly gone deaf. #
  • Why is that @CNN reporter standing on that pier in the storm? Should be indoors and aiming the camera through the window. #
  • Oh no the @CNN reporter is standing in the water now. To show how wet it is maybe? #
  • I reckon this current @bbc #Torchwood series can be compressed down to 90 mins. It's so bad it's almost on a par with StarGate Universe. #
  • Thank heaven for the Fast Forward button when watching #Torchwood #