Sun 7 Aug 2011
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-08
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-08
- So warm today I may take off my fur lined overcoat. #
- All my cpanel ssl certs expire today. Glad it's just a pushbutton job. It's too hot to faff about today. #
- S. Korea buying gold as a safe haven? Our last #Labour government sold all ours off when gold price was rock bottom. Never did know why. #
- I hate people who say "I always see the glass as half full"
Morons. The glass is half empty! You drank half of it. It's emptying not filling # - That's the printer filled up. Have to order some more ink cartridges soon. #
- My bird clocks gone wrong. It's singing the wrong bird songs. 🙁
Needs rebooting. Or whatever taking the batteries out and back in's called # - It's 27C (81F) now. But I've kept my socks on. #
- I'll have to solder that speaker wire that the mouse bit through. I have to keep yanking the twisted together wire to make the R spkr work. #
- I'd walk barefoot around the garden, but, when you have a dog… #
- Dog is getting stir crazy after all this rain today. Wonder if she wants a game of snooker or darts? #
- Think I'll take up yodelling. Sounded pretty good this morning when I dropped a tin on my toe! #
- I just fancy giraffe on toast now. #
- Failing the availability of a giraffe I'll settle for beans on toast. #
- That bag of cheese and onion crisps was all bits. They must have been playing footy with that bag in the shop. #