Archive for July 27th, 2011
Daily Archive
Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
Twitter Updates for 2011-07-27
What happens when they they start putting meters on the air that you breath? What if you don't pay the bill? Gasp! # Don't think I'd stand outside the #Libyan embassy. They've previous history of shooting indiscriminately from windows and murdering a WPC. #
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2011-07-27 - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
Don’t think I’d stand outside …
Don’t think I’d stand outside the #Libyan embassy. They’ve previous history of shooting indiscriminately from windows and murdering a WPC.
Comments Off on Don’t think I’d stand outside … - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
What happens when they they st…
What happens when they they start putting meters on the air that you breath? What if you don’t pay the bill? Gasp!