• Hope @warne888 has a great last game. Well done worlds greatest spinner and thanks for all the entertainment you've provided over the years #
  • I had a boiled egg for breakfast as anyone can tell from my shirt. #
  • Split my trousers yesterday in the garden when I bent to pull a weed up. Hope I fair better today. #
  • That's the daily dog brush done. Got all the greenfly out. #
  • It says #PeteDoherty got 6 months for drugs. Can't be the famous celebrity. Celebs have to murder the Queen before getting a prison term. #
  • Interesting wildlife question. What happens if all the #jaguars disappear? Well, a lot of #antelopes would go "Yippeeeeeeeeee!" #
  • Maybe #Sony should just give up electronics and go into woolly socks. #
  • Advert for #SkodaYeti shows car nipping about and small print "car shown is not UK spec"
    So why show it? Another #bait ad. Come on #ASA #OFT #