• My socks smell. Only worn them 6 months as well. Cheap tack. #
  • Well @BBCNews are making the most of the 'OBL is dead' story. Been running it all day. I almost look forward to the weather forecast. Still. #
  • Well you wouldn't want to take over #OBL #039;s job would you? No prospects. #
  • Vote NO to #AV on Thursday May 5th.
    Ayup I've gone all political. #
  • So @Sony have lost the personal and cc details of another 25 million customers. Bet the CEO details are safe. Glad I gave up Sony years ago. #
  • I'd like to buy a #Canon sx30is but I'd feel such a dork when that long lens poked out. #
  • So @slicehost are to go "cloud" by @Fasthosts
    Damn that means I'll have to move my slices to @DreamHost .
    Mind, they're nicer people at DH. #
  • RT @wizzvps @norm1037 "cloud" by Fasthosts? I don't think they have anything to do with it?? — I meant @Rackspace
    Sorry, I was excited. #
  • If I drink any more of this Chardonnay I'll start talking rubbish. #
  • After four days of gale force winds I put the wind chimes out and the wind drops to 0 mph!! #
  • I'm wide awake now and everybody else is asleep. I'm hiding in the bathroom sending out this tweet. Time to 'get up' in a couple of hours! #
  • My #iPod is tracking me. He's sitting on the #toilet again, it'll be saying. And, telling all the world.
    I can't go when I'm being tracked. #
  • Yikes the temp has dropped to 1C(34F).
    My developing strawberries are unprotected and could get frostbite. #
  • Heaven forbid that the #Vista systray show the same set of icons for two days running. Sigh. End task start task. It's like roulette. #
  • So the media are asking how the helicopters got past #Pakistan air defences to get #OBL
    Obviously they used #Klingon cloaking technology. #
  • @Fasthosts Nick I corrected my self in a later tweet. Sorry I meant Rackspace not Fasthost,who are great. All these names. I get confused. in reply to Fasthosts #
  • In case anybody missed it @Fasthosts are just great. #
  • Right who wants a fight? #
  • Soon be time to go and vote. Putting my X in the NO! to #AV box. That'll get the lefties fuming. #
  • Well a whole minute has passed without getting a #transition email from #Google #
  • Ice cream sellers have set up shop at the #OBL compound and kids are selling souvenirs to tourists flocking to gawp at the site. What next? #
  • #Obama has decided against showing pictures of #OBL so instead here's an episode of Dads Army. #
  • #ArchbishopofCanterbury says killing of unarmed alQaeda leader OBL leaves "a very uncomfortable feeling".
    No concern for 1000's he murdered? #
  • Never trust anyone with a beard. Especially when they're religious leaders. #
  • Need some rain today else we'll turn into an arid desert. Only had 10% in 9 weeks and it's the wet season. Rain is forecast but wrong type. #
  • Quite pleasant sitting out in the sun. Just sipping my #PGTips Winds a bit cool when it blows. #
  • Yay for NO vote locally in the #AV almost 3:1 say NO!
    Should see the same nationally. #
  • Country voted NO to #AV in a massive way. Good stuff. AV is only for losers. #
  • Great. We've had steady rain since 7am. It was torrential at first but is lighter now so should soak in well. I can hear reservoirs filling. #
  • Why does it have to be called a #wormhole
    Why not a rathole, mousehole or even molehole? #
  • RT @wolfnix @CheeseRations me too! — Me too, and I eat as well to be on the safe side. #
  • This rain has brought the snails out of their hidey holes. They've tried to carry off the TV remote but they lack speed and leave a trail. #
  • #utd 1-0 already. #
  • 2-0 #
  • #ManUtd 2 #Chelsea 0
    Makes the title win look safe now. #
  • After millions of emails from Google they have automatically transitioned me. But I still can't play the violin. #