• RT @Montyp713 Morning peeps,does the name tiktaalik mean anything to you?– The sound my knees make first thing in the morning. 🙂 #
  • Can't believe the LHC @CERN topped a 1000 bunches over the weekend. Amazingly awesome. I think. #
  • Hailstorm with stones as big as golf balls. Well peas anyway.
    My strawberries are probably pulp strawberries now. 🙁 #
  • What a stunner from Carroll. Liverpool one up. #
  • Kuyt makes it 2-0 #
  • Carroll gets his second. 3-0 #
  • #Liverpool 3 #ManCity 0 at half time. Edge of seat stuff. #
  • End of game 3-0 to #Liverpool Great match. #
  • I can't help wondering why people giving speeches at conferences don't just give everybody a copy of the speech they're reading. #
  • Or better still a link to a podcast. Then everybody could go home. Money would be saved and the environment improved. #
  • This RCN conference that @bbcnews is pumping out is dire. Who's watching it other than a handful of nurses? Still it fills the "news" time. #
  • With #politicians being on another long holiday they have to fill space on #BBCNews Surely there must be news somewhere even outside London #
  • Time to take my anti-vituperative pill. 🙂 #
  • I don't believe it! I've actually bought something made in #Britain and not #China A plastic watering can made in #Notts Yay!! #
  • I'm sure that photo of David Hasselhoff has been photoshopped. He looks about 20.
    Although they seem to have missed his neck. Gobble gobble #
  • Just started to rain. Don't mind this time as it'll water in the fertiliser I've put down. Save me the job of watering it in. #
  • The rain from earlier lasted all of 5 secs with about 12 raindrops. Despite @BBC weather forecasting rain all day! Need to water the grass. #
  • Put a load of fertiliser on the grass and it needs to be watered in. Come on where's the rain that was forecast by the @BBC weather dept. #
  • £10 million Lotto rollover. If I've won I'll buy @DreamHost back from EIG. #
  • Great #Windows having 24 updates with 2 auto reboots and 30 mins to do it, some users will be switching off.#Microsoft should explain better #
  • The #Windows update pages are next to useless and tell you sod all. #
  • Looks like an anti #Windows day for me. Still it'll give the @BBC and @BBCNews some respite. Not to mention the #weather department. #
  • Still have two more #Windows PC's to run updates on. Sigh. That's a whole day almost lost to #Microsoft #
  • No wonder they never used #Windows PC's in early Roman times in Britain. Take too long to start up and your woad would need redoing. #
  • Now I need a poo. Another 15 minutes lost.
    It's all go today and it still hasn't rained. My grass fertiliser needs watering in please. #
  • That sliced beef sandwich with a big dollop of English mustard was nice. Should I beg another one or is that just plain greedy? #
  • If I joined all the spoons in the world together I'd have… a long spoon. #
  • Don't do that Doggy. Suddenly stare into the top corner of the room. You'll freak me out. #
  • So if you're a #European website you need my explicit consent to store or access information on my computer. So be warned. We're after you. #
  • Whatever happened to the Emperor Ming? You don't see much of him these days. #
  • I've got loads of work to do. Or, I could go back to bed.
    I think the Southern Comfort last night was much too comfortable. Sigh. #
  • Maybe I need a hair of the dog? There's plenty on my trousers. Basically I'm just a towel for the dog. She just wiped her nose on me. #
  • Now she's pulled the loudest squeakiest ball she can find out of her toy box. Squeak squeak. That's another ball I need to de-squeaker. #
  • Must get some corn for the pigeons. They're giving me funny looks and licking their lips. Well, beaks. #
  • The dog drinks her water then sniffs my iPod. I end up with a soggy iPod. #
  • A watched Kindle never charges.
    Come on hurry up and charge I want to read my new books. #
  • I do have to watch this match first anyway. In the meantime Doggy is chasing off the pigeons and keeping me safe. Don't land in her garden! #
  • Chances galore on both sides here. #
  • RT @FrantechCA The stock sea shall part, but not for long :3 https://my.frantech.ca/announcements.php?id=49
    –On the starting blocks. #
  • So do I finish off the last finger of Southern Comfort?
    More importantly can I stand and walk in a straight line to the bottle? #
  • #Predictive text was made for people under the affluence of inchohol. #
  • Oh well #ManCity beat #ManUtd 1-0. Poo! #
  • Something black and furry is sneaking in through the door. It's the neighbours cat popped in for a visit. Better not wake Doggy up Pussy. #
  • RT @jjedmondson Passport control let me back into the UK
    — Noooooooooo #
  • Time for a glass of lemon squash. My salivary glands are hurting at the mere thought of it. #
  • Great result #Liverpool 1 #Arsenal 1 with a last gasp penalty for Liverpool in the err 100th minute.Van Persie should have kept his shirt on #