• The dog drinks her water then sniffs my iPod. I end up with a soggy iPod. #
  • A watched Kindle never charges.
    Come on hurry up and charge I want to read my new books. #
  • I do have to watch this match first anyway. In the meantime Doggy is chasing off the pigeons and keeping me safe. Don't land in her garden! #
  • Chances galore on both sides here. #
  • RT @FrantechCA The stock sea shall part, but not for long :3 https://my.frantech.ca/announcements.php?id=49
    –On the starting blocks. #
  • So do I finish off the last finger of Southern Comfort?
    More importantly can I stand and walk in a straight line to the bottle? #
  • #Predictive text was made for people under the affluence of inchohol. #
  • Oh well #ManCity beat #ManUtd 1-0. Poo! #
  • Something black and furry is sneaking in through the door. It's the neighbours cat popped in for a visit. Better not wake Doggy up Pussy. #