• Very pleasant listening to that bird whistle but I wish he'd learn a new tune. We've had this one for an hour.
    Sounds like a stuck record. #
  • Kids today don't know what "sounds like a stuck record" means.
    Don't get stuck MP3's. #
  • It's #budget day and I hope none of the media like #bbcnews or #skynews will use the hackneyed phrase "we'll have in-depth analysis for you" #
  • We've had a couple of #budget #media phrases from @bbcnews "expert analysis" and "gauging opinion". Sigh! #
  • I bet the chancellor feels a right prawn holding the #budget box up like that. Just for a photo opportunity. We know it only holds his lunch #
  • The #BBCNews are live from Hull!
    It's up north somewhere I think. Where the whippets live.
    Ayup lad. #
  • Eyes down here we go. #BBCBudget #
  • A whole penny off petrol! I'll be able to actually start the car now instead of pushing it everywhere. #
  • I was hoping for something more along the lines of one pound per litre off.
    Oh well. #
  • Dunno what this Chardy will be like. It was half price and it's Californian! #
  • Why has Harman got a set of Christmas baubles round her neck? Has she been to a party? @bbcnews #
  • On second bottle of this Californian Chardonnay now and getting a taste for it. My legs have gone already though and my lips are all rubbery #
  • Mind you I think I could still drive providing I could use both sides of the road and everybody else went to bed. #