• So @skynews channel is news channel of the year. Not surprised when you see the drivel on @bbcnews where they cover a RNLI boat being named. #
  • Petrol prices go up 5p a litre because of the Middle East troubles. Odd since the fuel was made months ago and no oil supplies have been cut #
  • Libya accounts for 2% of oil exports and Egypt 0%. But still oil markets put the price up even on old stocks in storage. #
  • UK courts have approved Assanges extradition to Sweden. Clearly a political move. Not bothered about his human rights then. #
  • I just hate it. You go to @xaragroup to buy 3D7 and *after* filling all the details in they say they are doing maintenance! Try later! Bah! #
  • The payment gate for @xaragroup is still broken. Have they gone bust? #