• Trouble in the Middle East so already the oil prices are rocketing. Even though there's been no change in oil supply. Just a big scam really #
  • Saudi Arabia will be full of ex leaders soon unless the protests start there as well. #
  • If #Libyas Gaddafi has left Tripoli and is having to rely on mercenaries to protect him then things look very very bad for the regime. #
  • Things look bad for Robin. Will Batman find him in time before the dastardly Riddler does something really naughty to him. Oooooh missus. #
  • I'm sure I could be doing something better than watching Batman (TOS) on the bat TV. #
  • What are the words to this tune?
    Oh yeah. "Batman…Batman….Batman… nanny nanny nanny nanny Batman" #
  • I wonder why my twitter icon doesn't show up anymore in twitterrific? WhT did I do? #