• My arm is so painful in the mornings. Throbs like toothache.I take painkillers but they only kick in in the evening. Or is that the vodka? #
  • Wish Super Bowl was on earlier. Should ways be played on east coast so I can watch. I settled down to watch at 2330 and was asleep at 2335. #
  • Dogs just brought her dinner bowl in to me in the kitchen. Think she's trying to tell me something.
    Do you want breakfast? That'll be a yes. #
  • Thank you gale force winds. I just love chasing my plant pots and wheely bins around the garden. Dog thinks it's great as well. #
  • Somebody tell the weather man on @bbcnews that we have gale force winds in Coventry. It's not mild. #
  • Well the virtual sun is over ye olde yardddeee armmmee. #
  • These new petabyte drives are great. Fifty quid from Big Ron down the pub. Haven't tried them yet. They've got a nice brick effect cover. #
  • I wish the DJ would thwack his deck and stop the stutter. #
  • The @BBC needs to spend it's money teaching cameramen how to hold a camera steady on #theoneshow reports. Atrocious. Like being at sea. #
  • "Asbo's KO'd but cops may take kids iPods "
    Yeah and hell will freeze over first dear #UKHomeOffice #
  • A Triumph Bonneville for only £1.99!
    Oh it's only 3 inches long. I knew there'd be a catch. #
  • The new universal flu vaccine looks good as long as there are no side effects like it turning your skin purple with yellow spots. Mind you.. #
  • Ye gods that kid on TV has a big hooter!
    Oh it's Pinnochio. #
  • Is everything made in China? So what was the point of the Common Market aka the EU. #
  • Increasing the bank levy £2.5 billion is pointless because the charge will just be passed on to customers as usual. @bbcnews #
  • Dear #britishgas I don't want nectar points just reduce your gas prices. #
  • Chomping on a lamb steak and bit almost through my tongue. Not my month. #
  • When I was last on the Moon I noticed there were no fish and chip shops.
    Could be a good business opportunity for someone. #
  • I feel like the weather. Wet, overcast, miserable and unpredictable. With a touch of tetchy thrown in for good measure. Long sigh stage left #
  • I need a SADS light. I'm not getting the same effect from this 11 watt eco bulb. #
  • Many of the 1200 powers of entry to go including entering a house to check fridges have correct eco friendly energy rating. #
  • Wheelclamping will be banned. Originally it was to be regulated but because of horror stories of intimidation it will be banned outright. #
  • I'm so irritable with this broken arm. Napster unfollowed me and in true tit for tat style I unfollowed them. I'll stop my subscription also #
  • Hospital in an hour. Maybe they'll give me an anti tetchy pill. #
  • Well @ukskysongs is finally off the air. Shame really they were the best. Looking for a new subscription service. I can't give my money away #
  • Had my X-rays done and the bones have knitted. Hand bones okay. I feel less tetchy now. #
  • Getting sick and tired of the overdone Egypt coverage on @bbcnews now. Do we have to have a fixed camera shot 'in case something happens'? #
  • Listening to Radio 4 Live: Live via #tunerfreemce #
  • Listening to BBC 7 Live: Live via #tunerfreemce #
  • Watching BBC News: Live via #tunerfreemce #
  • Now has #Mubarak really gone this time @bbcnews
    He was supposed to be going yesterday. #
  • My windows media centre bot told everybody what I was doing!
    Sneak!! #
  • RT @jjedmondson The wc on the train is out of order. Must hold on till i get back home.– Just wee out the window. Or maybe it's not a wee? #
  • Here we go again. 30 second tracks from Napster even though they were full tracks. Usual reply I suppose. It's the record companies. Yeah! #
  • @jsoverson The album with the 30 s tracks is 'Pop Music: The golden era 1951-1975' I had it in a playlist, wouldn't have 30s tracks there. #
  • Somebody let me know when @bbcnews are back to normal and start reporting the rest of the news and not just Egypt Egypt Egypt! #
  • Watching #CCTV news where I learn that Malawians are angry over Bill to ban farting in public. Didn't see that on @bbcnews just 'Egypt'. 🙂 #
  • That's weird. They have a labour shortage in China. #
  • They've had this drought for 6 months in China so they pumped silver iodide into the air and…it snowed!
    Is that why it's raining here? #
  • The dog is gnawing on a bone. It's setting my teeth on edge. Why can't she suck it quietly like a lollipop? #
  • Waiting for the sun to get over the yard arm. Come on sun you can do it. Allez oop. Oh well near enough.
    I can claim medicinal purposes. #
  • The dog sniffs my feet then rolls over onto her back with a paw pointing at her open mouth.
    Talk about overacting. She should get a BAFTA. #