• Getting sick and tired of the overdone Egypt coverage on @bbcnews now. Do we have to have a fixed camera shot 'in case something happens'? #
  • Listening to Radio 4 Live: Live via #tunerfreemce #
  • Listening to BBC 7 Live: Live via #tunerfreemce #
  • Watching BBC News: Live via #tunerfreemce #
  • Now has #Mubarak really gone this time @bbcnews
    He was supposed to be going yesterday. #
  • My windows media centre bot told everybody what I was doing!
    Sneak!! #
  • RT @jjedmondson The wc on the train is out of order. Must hold on till i get back home.– Just wee out the window. Or maybe it's not a wee? #
  • Here we go again. 30 second tracks from Napster even though they were full tracks. Usual reply I suppose. It's the record companies. Yeah! #