Archive for January 23rd, 2011

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-24

Just shows how fragile some of those celebs at the #GoldenGlobes are. They need to get a life. They're nothing special. #Gervais said it all # Wonder how the Apple shares will do? # Pity you can't buy unicycles with two wheels. # David Goodwillie of Scotland and Dundee charged with rape. He's got the […]

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Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Twitter Updates for 2011-01-24

RT @BBCClick Click is on New Channel in UK at 1135 this morning – now!! 🙂 Last episode from Las Vegas!!–Anyone know the channel number? # I think the @bbcnews scroller is stuck. Been 'breaking news' about Browns phone "hack". Move on please. #

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Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

I think the @bbcnews scroller …

I think the @bbcnews scroller is stuck. Been ‘breaking news’ about Browns phone “hack”. Move on please.

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Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

RT @BBCClick Click is on New C…

RT @BBCClick Click is on New Channel in UK at 1135 this morning – now!! 🙂 Last episode from Las Vegas!!–Anyone know the channel number?

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