Archive for January 17th, 2011
Monday, January 17th, 2011
Twitter Updates for 2011-01-17
Just shows how fragile some of those celebs at the #GoldenGlobes are. They need to get a life. They're nothing special. #Gervais said it all # Wonder how the Apple shares will do? # Pity you can't buy unicycles with two wheels. # David Goodwillie of Scotland and Dundee charged with rape. He's got the […]
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Monday, January 17th, 2011
There is a hole in my sock. I …
There is a hole in my sock. I never ordered a hole. Wait… Why is the dog sniggering behind her paw?
Comments Off on There is a hole in my sock. I … - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Monday, January 17th, 2011
Imagine the disappointment whe…
Imagine the disappointment when I opened my tin of cheesey cheeselets. All broken up. I must get a life!
Comments Off on Imagine the disappointment whe… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Monday, January 17th, 2011
David Goodwillie of Scotland a…
David Goodwillie of Scotland and Dundee charged with rape. He’s got the right name. Or should it be Badwillie?
Comments Off on David Goodwillie of Scotland a… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Monday, January 17th, 2011
Pity you can’t buy unicycles w…
Pity you can’t buy unicycles with two wheels.
Comments Off on Pity you can’t buy unicycles w… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Monday, January 17th, 2011
Wonder how the Apple shares wi…
Wonder how the Apple shares will do?
Comments Off on Wonder how the Apple shares wi… - Posted in Primary Adjunct by norm1037
Monday, January 17th, 2011
Just shows how fragile some of…
Just shows how fragile some of those celebs at the #GoldenGlobes are. They need to get a life. They’re nothing special. #Gervais said it all