• Is it possible for a cake to spontaneously disappear from the fridge?
    I need a good excuse. "It was aliens" won't do. #
  • Looking at this company that sends you a box of meals for a month. There's 3 per day for 30 days. Be no good for me. I'd eat it all in a day #
  • "Lesbian Vampire Killers"
    I wonder what that films about? #
  • Apparently one in every 50 billion chickens has the ability to gain a PhD in Cosmology. That says a lot about chickens and cosmology. #
  • So we share a lot of our genes with a banana?
    Well I've never seen a banana mow the grass. #
  • A human body contains 12 billion miles of DNA. Wow! No wonder I feel bloated sometimes. #
  • This statistics programme says that while I've been watching it people have eaten 7092 tonnes of bananas. Is that each? I've missed out. #
  • I wonder why there is no data for the UK in Googles #Flutrends ? I'm sure I heard somebody sneeze down the road, unless it was a sheep. #