Sun 2 Jan 2011
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-03
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
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- Sweltering outside now. 3C (37F)
Sparrows are taking their feathers off it's so hot. # - We need more filth on TV. More disgusting obscene filth so I can complain properly. Oh wait … We already have. #
- It's raining now. The remaining bits of snow don't stand a chance. Bye bye ugly snowman with the big orange nose in the wrong place. #
- I just sneezed and a piece of string appeared. #
- This coke is so fizzy I just held a conversation with a frog. Ribbit #
- Visitor sitting in dogs place on sofa. Dog is glaring at visitor. Visitor getting the Collie stare and starting to perspire. And she's moved #
- Dog is on the sofa curled up and asleep in 10 seconds flat with a slight smirk on her face. Possession is nine tenths of the law. #
- Well done England for retaining the #Ashes Be nice to win the last game in Sydney now. #
- Yes there is the other view @Prince_James that 2-2 would prevent Oz from leaping off Sydney Bridge. I wouldn't want that on my conscience. #
- Now then Cron why didn't you run a script this morning? Up all night celebrating no doubt. #
- You've heard of the Green Hornet? Well I met the Green Mucous this morning. #
- No wonder the water companies want water meters, they'd make billions out of all these burst pipes. And who'd share water if it was metered? #
- Interesting thought that with social media/web archiving now commonplace our descendants will read what we say as easily as reading a book. #
- So for my descendants "Today I ate an egg. " #
- No cricket tonight. What to do in bed? Oh I know. Where's that 5000 piece jigsaw of Sydney Opera House? #Ashes #
- So Ponting will miss 5th test and one dayers. Oh dear. Gutted. 😀 #Ashes #
- I ask you. Who eats choc ices on a stick in winter? #
- I've got an urge for a bit of roast giraffe. Fancy a leg. #
- New year coming up. That means updating log files and stuff that I can never remember. #
- I put all the washing in the cloud but it blew away. #
- The replacement Christmas tree light bulbs just arrived … in time for next Christmas!
Good job the old bulb held up. # - Happy New Year Everybody. #
- Let's beat the Mayans at their own own game. Next year we'll move straight to 2013. #
- Is it Christmas yet? #
- It's funny how @skysports keep the match commentators volume lower than the crowd volume. Can't hear a word from them. Great stuff. 🙂 #
- A penalty each for Chelsea and Villa have evened things up nicely. #
- Chelsea Villa match 3 all. Good game. #
- Why is that guy on Brink wearing a cat on his head? #
- I think the other me in an alternate universe keeps sticking a pin in his bum. Ouch ouch! #
- But the Ashes are in our bag. #Ashes #