Sun 19 Dec 2010
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-20
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
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- The "dial a dog wash" van could do with a wash. Ring "dial a dog wash van wash". #
- Art experts have examined the Mona Lisa and found tiny letters, numbers and symbols. Clearly they had 'Painting by Numbers' sets even then. #
- It's so cold I'm thinking of putting my office in the oven. #
- Amazing how my lotto numbers are always one number behind. I'll fool them next week by adding one number to my lotto numbers. Advanced maths #
- I've just eaten three chocolate hobnobs. I was desperate. #
- Maybe @bbcbreaking should calm down a bit and get the facts right first. #
- It's amazing how the Mayans knew we'd run out of IP addresses in 2012. #
- Great start from England with 3 quick wickets. #Ashes #
- Snowing has stopped. Just a hint of snow on the grass.
I hope that's it. I want SUMMER AND I WANT IT NOW!! # - I tried to hypnotise myself in the mirror. Told myself I was feeling sleepy and fell forward banging my nose on the mirror. That woke me up. #
- Started snowing again. Big flakes and they're starting to settle. Oh Noes!! #
- You missed one @BBCbreaking with reports of Julian Assange not doing anything for five minutes. #
- I'm sorry but you can't throw horse manure at the wall and call it art.
Can you? # - In the papers the headline says one in six boys can't write their own name.
Well I'm not sure I could at six months. # - The snows stopped and I can see blue sky. I hope the snows retired for the day. #
- Cardiffs Winter Wonderland has been closed because of snow.
There's too much of it apparently. # - Moving all my documents over to Microsoft Word 2010.
I'm sure I've lost some. I seem to recall being paid for a lot more than I have now. # - Thought I'd redo the budget spreadsheet but I appear to have weekly outgoings of 15 trillion pounds.
Think I'll try again when I'm sober. # - Goody goody the gas bills arrived.
Just need the phone bill now and we'll have all our Christmas set of bills. # - It's too cold to snow I think. If it snows this morning I'll dance naked in the garden. #
- Oh bugger! It's just started snowing. #
- Water in bird bowl is frozen. Poor bird nearly broke his beak trying to get a drink. I'll put fresh out else they'll keep tapping the window #
- Dogs fur is producing a few thousand volts of static electricity in this cold weather. Time to plug the kettle into her and make a coffee. #
- Looks like all my Amazon stuff is still stuck in Glasgow.
In a snowdrift! # - Whilst lifting the gay ban on the US military is good for human rights I wonder if it will work in practice? #
- Brrrrr it's -10C (14F) now.
I may have to sleep in my socks and woolly hat.
Oh, apparently I won't be. They're clean socks as well. # - Cold in Coventry last night. -13C (8.6F). No wonder @bbcnews reporters go to warmer Scotland & Gatwick 🙂 @ItsAllAboutCov #
- It never rains when you want it to does it?
Well played England anyway. Still with you 100%. There's always the next game. #Ashes # - Meanwhile after a gazzillion and one Microsoft updates I get to use the PC.
No wait … Some more updates have arrived with their suitcases # - Ah windows live essentials 2011.
Make another cup of coffee! I shall be widdling all day. # - Go on Windows have a reboot. You know you want to. #
- Please, no more reports from whinging airport passengers complaining about not being given three course meals or 5 star hotel accommodation. #