• It's either very foggy out or my eyes have steamed up! #
  • The Bodlian have bought a new 26 Million GBP bookcase. I wonder if they got it from Ikea? Must have needed a big trolley. #
  • 'Light drinking no risk to baby' say researchers. Now the pub bars will be full of smelly babies. No chance of getting served now! #
  • Another recycling bag added today. Maroon for clothing. I'll stick my old pants in it I think. #
  • I open the door so the dog can go out to the garden but she lies in the doorway with just her nose poking out cos it's too cold to go out. #
  • Dear Earth,
    You do realise if there's no global warming today and the washing doesn't dry I could be in big trouble. #
  • I've just launched a toenail into orbit. #
  • Who keeps moving my widgets about on the Vista PC?
    Come on own up. #
  • Last place you want Delhi belly is in the swimming pool. Escaping wind might help a bit with times I suppose. #commonwealthgames #
  • I hate these dark movie scenes.
    Turn the lights on! #
  • I could just eat a pixie. #
  • Or a biscuit. #