• Heating switched on early this morning. I woke up feeling I'd been poached. #
  • It's no fun hopping up the garden to retrieve your missing slipper from the dogs hideaway in the bushes. #
  • Thought the narrator in this documentary about the tower of Pisa was saying 'pissin navy' but it was 'Pisan navy' as in 'the navy of Pisa'. #
  • Night time temps are falling now. Could be getting frosts soon. #
  • As it's nearly winter I reckon on Wednesday that Apple will announce an extra thick sock for the iPod as it's new product. #
  • So is Twitterific broken now because of the API changes? #
  • @twitterrific Went and installed again from AppStore. Never saw an update for the update though 🙂
    Got 2 twitterrific's now haha #
  • There's no wind at all. It's very spooky. #
  • Now my iPod has started talking when I select an offered correction. At least I think it's the iPod!
    Just shut up will ya!! #
  • Another day worked another dollar earned. Pity the electric bill is due this week and they don't accept dollars. Plus it'll be more than $1. #
  • So,is it just one person who's downloaded 6.5 billion apps from the app store or what? #
  • I like the new iPod Touch. Might get one. #
  • You can tell the kids are going back to school soon, there are loads of ads for anti-nit treatments on TV. #
  • I just found out that Thunderbirds aren't real. Apparently they're just little wooden puppets.
    What a swizz.
    I am really disappointed now. #
  • That stir fry I had yesterday is producing a lot of methane today.
    Parrrrrrrrrrrppppppp !!
    That's another hole in the ozone layer. #
  • I don't know if that's my dinner cooking or if the farmers have been manuring the fields again. Difficult to tell really and I daren't ask. #
  • Can smell the manure from the fields again. That should give our washing out on the line a nice fresh scent. Sort of outdoors Spring smell. #
  • I don't think I could listen again to 'The Raggle Taggle Gypsy' for a few months!! #
  • New TV on the market. Apparently it can show television programmes. #
  • I'm trying to have a siesta but the dog wants to play. She sits on my chest and licks my face. Dirty dog! Now I can't breathe… #
  • @twitterrific Any chance of bringing back the 'change the font size' option please. I have to put my glasses on to see the text. 🙂 #
  • I was thinking of writing my autobiography starting from today and working backwards.
    But, I can't remember what I did yesterday. #
  • @wolfnix There's a problem with the twitterAPI on some servers affecting some users apparently. #
  • Shall I buy a new iPod, a new iPad or a new Kindle? Or should I just have a sausage sandwich?
    I'd never get financial cmtee approval anyway. #
  • So a sausage sandwich it'll have to be then.
    Now then. Lincolnshire or Cumberland? That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind … #
  • My toilet roll holder is Internet connected so I get instant updates on sheets used or sheets left.
    But I think it needs SEO optimising. #
  • You can tell I'm bored I've descended to toilet humour.
    Anyone for motorway marbles? #
  • Maybe a 3D webcam is needed for my Internet connected toilet.
    That sounds a bit kinky.
    Half the worlds bobble hat wearers woke up then. #
  • I like peaches but the juice just squirts everywhere and where do you flick the pip without being heard? #
  • I always wondered how a cereal bowl was made. Riveting TV this. #
  • Dog keeps trying to sit on my lap. I'm on a swivel chair so round and round we go. #
  • Here comes the rain. Pitter patter splosh. #
  • Dog was ignoring me til I pointed a crisp her way. We are best mates again. #