Archive for July 5th, 2010

Monday, July 5th, 2010

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-06

You can have your cake and eat it. – Mystic Norm # That sub found in Ecuador doesn't look as if it could survive a trip up the canal let alone cross an ocean. # Cold selling call from #BritishGas to my a/phone. "unfortunately when you answered none of our call staff were available […]

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Monday, July 5th, 2010

Cold selling call from #Britis…

Cold selling call from #BritishGas to my a/phone. “unfortunately when you answered none of our call staff were available to speak to you”

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Monday, July 5th, 2010

That sub found in Ecuador does…

That sub found in Ecuador doesn’t look as if it could survive a trip up the canal let alone cross an ocean.

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Monday, July 5th, 2010

You can have your cake and eat…

You can have your cake and eat it. – Mystic Norm

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