• Been up for two hours. Ready for bed again. It's the heat. The damn heat and the scorpions. #
  • Ah it wasn't a scorpion it was a duck. A squeaky duck. A duck with a chewed head. #
  • I only threw the duck once for the dog. Now I have to do it again and again and again and … #
  • No dog you can't sit on my lap with your hot body and equally hot breath. #
  • Ivory coast gone 1-0 up against North Korea. #worldcup #
  • Two nil to Ivory Coast.
    Another 8 goals and they could go through in place of Portugal. #worldcup #
  • Ivory Coast now lead N Korea 3-0. #worldcup #
  • FT Ivory Coast beat N Korea.
    FT Brazil and Portugal draw 0-0 but both teams go through. Poor game. #worldcup #
  • David Villa takes Spain into a 1-0 lead against Chile. A distance shot after the goalie came way out of his goal. #worldcup #
  • Iniesta makes it 2-0 for Spain. Chiles Estrada is red carded for fouling Torres. It did look accidental though. #worldcup #
  • Chile grabbed a goal back. It's 2-0 Spain. #worldcup #
  • Or even 2-1 Spain. I'm getting so excited. #worldcup #
  • Watching #Glastonbury and the #worldcup on TV. Great stuff and it's hot as well. #
  • Gorillaz. There's enough of 'em to have a kickabout! #Glastonbury #