Archive for June 11th, 2010

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-12

Just cut the grass. You'd think somebody'd invent a spray to spray on grass and keep it short for months. We put a man on the moon afterall. # Those horns they're blowing in the #wc2010 are getting annoying. Or is there a big angry wasp in my earhole. #

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Friday, June 11th, 2010

Those horns they’re blowing in…

Those horns they’re blowing in the #wc2010 are getting annoying. Or is there a big angry wasp in my earhole.

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Friday, June 11th, 2010

Just cut the grass. You’d thin…

Just cut the grass. You’d think somebody’d invent a spray to spray on grass and keep it short for months. We put a man on the moon afterall.

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