• The dog is guarding the cooked sausages just in case the sausage burglar appears. Or in case one gets dropped on the floor. #
  • Horses,dogs and mice found at a 'beastiality' farm in Washington State. Mice?? How does that work then? No don't tell me.

    Only in the U.S. #

  • Zillions of wasps about. Wasps to the left of me wasps to the right… #
  • I just passworded my iPod. I didn't know it could do that delete after 10 attempts stuff. Should RTFM I suppose. Now then what was that pwd #
  • New Daleks look very sleek without giving too much away.
    They've had a makeover cos they're being filmed in HD. Vain Daleks.
    Exterminate. #