• Cor all air traffic in and out of UK banned from midday to 1800 hrs because of a volcano ash cloud from Iceland. Cloud smells like bad eggs #
  • Those happy holidaymakers at the airports look a bit glum. #
  • The last eruption lasted 18 months. Could be the start of a nuclear winter. Bet the dinosaurs are worried in case it makes them extinct. #
  • #bbcnews must hate it when doing a live interview and some kid starts mooning in the background. Haha the cameraman almost fell over. #
  • When does the ice cream lady come round? #leadersdebate #
  • @CheeseRations Congrats on your new direction in DH. Hope it goes well for you. Don't forget us irc'ers 🙂 in reply to CheeseRations #
  • Watching the debate on twitterfall and I think my eyeballs are just about to drop out of their sockets. #