• I hate it when snow I never ordered arrives. #
  • I hate recycling day. I have to get up before I've gone to bed just to feed the paper and plastic mountains. I bet they just bury it anyway. #
  • PC rebooted 3 times after those 20 million updates last night then did it's long install of another 3 packages. I get to use my PC soon. #
  • Dogs got the hump. Giving me dirty looks. I'll win her round with a biscuit. Always works. #
  • I think she glares deliberately because she knows I'll crack and give her a biscuit. Crafty so and so. #
  • I sat on my glasses and bent the frame. Took me ages to bend it back. Still not right but I don't want to snap the arms off. More expense. #
  • I just fancy a kiwi fruit. #