Mon 8 Feb 2010
Twitter Updates for 2010-02-08
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2010-02-08
- Fell asleep at half time. Must have been the crappy Who show that did for me. I missed the better 2nd half but I had to be up at 7am. Pooh #
- I'm writing a strong letter to the NFL to put next years game on a bit earlier. I bet they'll move it to the west coast just to spite me. #
- Waiting for UPS. I think I've been here before. Déjà Vu. I'm up and down like a whores drawers everytime a van drives by. What was that? #
- There's nothing worse than stubbing your toe!! Although sitting on your conkers hurts as well if not more. #
- Well if the snow comes back our snowdrops will be done for. They will be no more. They will be deceased snowdrops. Not even sleeping. #
- UPS package of pencils finally arrived. The package looked like it had been used in the Super Bowl match. Hope all the leads are okay. #
- I've suddenly gotten an urge to eat a haggis. Tescos do a vegetarian haggis.
I'll probably settle for pilchards on toast though. # - I had pilchards on toast after all but I think there was something fishy about it. #