• Snows melting now. With having the heat on for so many days the house is releasing it's heat and it's so hot nobody can sleep tonight. #
  • Today is 10/1/10 which in reverse is 10/1/10. Unless you live in a foreign country in which case it's 10/10/1 haha. #
  • I have multiple IPs given to me but they're on different subnets. I'm sure this is done to give me a headache. #
  • How ironic that I should have a frozen shoulder during this oh so cold winter. #
  • Down to the last box of mince pies now. I hope. #
  • Met Office today issued a severe weather warning for snow and cold weather. Better get my shorts and sun lotion ready…and my sunglasses. #
  • Big zit appeared on my face unless it's another nose growing. Probably down to all that Turkish delight I ate yesterday. Always a downside. #
  • I'm sure someone or something is stealing the stuffing out of the quilt. Especially my bit. #