Wed 6 Jan 2010
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-06
Posted by norm1037 under Primary Adjunct
Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2010-01-06
- Is an internal book running at the BBC for which reporter can look the biggest prat standing out in the snow just to tell us it's snowing? #
- Me to dog "which part of 'wipe your feet on the doormat' don't you understand ?" Dog to me "sausages!! Woof Woof!" #
- Just knock off a quick 450. Easy. #
- BBC news had the snow as a major crisis an hour ago. Now they've reverted to type with their blinkered obsession with Hoons text message! #
- BBC please move on.Report all the news not just your personal favourite. Or create a politics channel. No doubt that would be 1 dimensional. #
- Good job we don't have outside toilets anymore. Those cold toilet seats first thing in the morning were murder. #
- Somebody walking by just did a double back flip with full pike on the icy footpath. Now trying to capture their spuds rolling downhill. #
- Can't believe the BBC made a whole 30 min prog out of a bit of snow. Desperate or what? I'm surprised they didn't stick the African Queen on #
- I seem to be developing an anti BBC theme here. But they are supported by public money and have become extremely poor value for money lately #
- Nice photograph of wind turbines not turning due to the lack of wind. I think I've detected an inherent flaw. #
- There's a rat within 6 feet of every person. We should train them to run in wheels like hamsters and produce electricity. Then we'd love 'em #
- How come it's 76f in LA and 23f where I am. It's not fair I thought we were all in the winter season now. I'm going to complain about it. #