• Best way to start. Three tail enders left. #
  • Nearly all over bar a miracle. #
  • One wicket left. #
  • That's it. The fat lady is singing. An innings and 98! #
  • We've reached the tipping point so why isn't it snowing? The sky is full of it and we don't have to go out. Let it snow let it snow… #
  • Wonder what to call the new decade after the nineties and noughties? Maybe I'll just settle to call it 'Cedric'. #2010 #
  • That's the boss-eyed peas on to soak. Don't know why. I just do as instructed. #
  • Just burnt my finger on a 30 second heated in the microwave mince pie. Steam escaped from tiny holes in the top of the pie. Medic! Evac! #
  • I'll have to stop playing Fairytale of New York for this year. Heard it a dozen times today. Mind you it's me picking the lists with it on. #