• Traffic was light on the road this morning. A 20 minute journey only took 5. Mind you at 6.30 am sensible people are still in bed. Yawwwnnn. #
  • I wonder if they could put up temporary bridges in Cockermouth like the ones the army use. Even a single track would save miles. #
  • I wonder what the next storage technology will be after blu-ray? Recordable 3D sugar cubes maybe? #
  • One good thing about all this windy weather, it's blown away all the dead leaves from my garden…into the neighbours. #
  • I worry about all these wind farms. If they all turn at once we could end up being pulled out into the Atlantic like some big ocean liner. #
  • Not many in the commons to hear the 1 in 1000 years flood statement. Long lunch maybe or plain old apathy? #
  • The first LHC particles have collided. "I do beg your pardon" said the first, "Fancy a curry?" said the second, and of they went together. #
  • What would people do if the Internet shut down for a week? Be lots of headless chickens about. Pre net people would just listen to radio. #
  • Valve radio at that. #
  • My Susan Boyle CD just arrived. Don't tell anyone 🙂 #
  • British Gas are just saving money on paying for meter readers by getting people to read their own meters. #
  • This liquorice is nice but it all sticks together in one big lump in the bag. Plus, it makes you go. Y'know…go! #
  • Time for pasta and fish with a sprig of lettuce to make it even healthier. Not sure sprig is the right word. Perhaps "leaf" is better. #
  • The new BBC series Paradox is good. Watchable sci-fi. #
  • BBC newsman 'There we see the effects of flooding from the helicopter'. No Mr newsman that's the sea we're looking at! #
  • Hello it must be a slow news day because we're being shown snippets of the Iraq Enquiry/Whitewash. #
  • Having watched Stargate Universe ep 9 I'm still of the opinion that it's absolutely dreadful. Take it off. Wasted all that CGI. Rubbish! #
  • I bet Courage the turkey still gets eaten even after getting a Presidential pardon. #
  • Time for bed. Hope I don't have the dream about riding about on a giraffe all night again. I wouldn't mind but it only has three legs. #
  • "The dog licked my touch screen and downloaded all these illegal MP3's and videos." I wonder if that excuse would work? #
  • Disappointed to see in the O'Reilly catalogue that "The Twitter Book" has 240 pages. I'd have expected to see it in 140 characters or less. #
  • Set up a server with 9.10 64bit and within seconds there were hordes trying to get in at me. They must hang around on street corners. #
  • @wolfnix Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I was up earlier and ate all the turkey haha. in reply to wolfnix #
  • Gotta be up at 6am again to put the bin out. I should never have given the butler two days off. #
  • Where's that big pile of turkey bones in my garden come from? #
  • We could still win this if we had a few more days… wickets… runs… sandwiches and a telescope. #
  • I'm so tired I've gone to bed and left my eyeballs on the sofa watching TV. #
  • Late getting up this morning got a bad head as well. Wonder if they're connected? Nobody told me it was morning, including the alarm clock. #
  • Better go to bed I think. Been working on ISPConfig most of the day. Working fine now. Might have another lie in…in my dreams. #
  • Amazing we won a match but England still struggled. Should have been much easier. They need to become more ruthless and go for the throat. #
  • Dog has the hump because I'm stroking the keyboard more than her. Glaring at me now sideways. I'll give her a biscuit to improve her mood. #
  • Mmmm I think I'm getting addicted to these malted wheaties. I'm going through a box in a few days. I wonder if there's a treatment centre? #
  • I wonder if there'll ever be an iPod with a camera. There's space for one. Maybe I could fit one with a bit of glue and soldering. #