• I shall have to go to bed soon I have to be up in a few hours. Maybe a few pints of water will help but they have side effects. #
  • Advice from the Highways Agency to drivers this winter is "Take care when driving". Hmmm okay. #
  • Our newly modified for Iraq choppers are training in California cos the bleak terrain is similar. Don't know why they have floats fitted. #
  • Too much rice. I feel bloated. It's amazing how a little rice goes a long way. Especially when it's cooked. #
  • I wonder if the aliens are watching us? I hope they don't watch when I'm in the bathroom. #
  • Is it boiled cabbage day tomorrow or did I just make that up? #
  • I've just had a boiled egg for my breakfast. Well, somebody somewhere in a government department might need to know that. #
  • Not seen many giraffes today. Just the normal pink and green spotted sheep. #
  • Had my first Christmas card. From Royal Mail. Nice. #
  • Nice sunny day but too cold to go out. Just as well since I'm on the "waiting in for a package" treadmill again. #
  • A reminder of things to come. Brrrrr. http://twitpic.com/puxmh #
  • The dog just went faster than the speed of light. I dropped a biscuit on the floor. #
  • I'm feeling peckish. Lucky old peckish. #
  • This Stargate Universe is like watching paint dry. I hope it picks up soon. #
  • Oh no the Large Hadron Collider is being switched back on this weekend. I won't sleep tonight. Hope a bird drops a bagette in again. #
  • Gone to bed. Snoring will keep me awake. I've played all my podcasts. I'll read a Gutenberg book. That'll make me fall asleep pronto. #
  • Yawning too much because I should be in bed still. #
  • Fitting up the new USB enclosure but I wish the HD screws weren't so tiny. One wrong twitch of the finger and it's bye bye tiny screw. #
  • Hey Bebo the word is 'bullying' not 'bulling'. #
  • I seem to spend half my time charging batteries. I want tiny lifelong nuclear reactors to replace batteries and I want them now! Okay? #
  • State opening of Parliament being shown on BBC. But it's not being shown in HD. Should take HD channel off BBC if they don't want to use it. #
  • It's pistachio nut eating time. #
  • Wonder what's for supper? Oysters on toast maybe. #
  • If I draw the curtains does the world outside cease to exist? #
  • Muesli for breakfast or as it's called in the trade, flour mill floor sweepings. #
  • It's so windy I've had to nail the sparrows feet to the top of the fence to stop them being blown off. #
  • Mmmm coconut mushrooms and they're all mine. I'm sharing with no one. Sorry. #
  • The coconut mushrooms were nice but I feel a bit sick now. Where's that paper bag? #
  • @CheeseRations Yayyyyy unpack quick 🙂 in reply to CheeseRations #
  • I look for the sun, I cannot see it, just because it is the night. #
  • Okay we've hopped into bed and there's a programme about the Amityville horror and other ghost stories. So that's been switched off pronto. #
  • That wind kept *me* awake most of the night. I bet I keep nodding off during the day. #
  • It's amazing. I remove 4 screws from a case and when I come to re-assemble it there are only 3 screws. I blame the Large Hadron Collider. #
  • I bet that missing screw turns up in a few weeks and I'll be wondering which bit of equipment it's fallen out of. #
  • Where does fluff and dust come from? I don't remember ordering any from Amazon. #
  • 37MB just to update Quicktime. Good job HDDs were invented and we're not still using floppies as our only storage medium. #
  • I found that tiny screw I lost earlier. Just in case anyone was worried. #
  • Terrible experience for the people of Cockermouth in the floods last night. Hope it's better for them tonight. #
  • I wish people would shave before going on tv especially now it's HD. #
  • I've just given my pet pigeon a piece of baguette and he's on his way to CERN. #
  • Breakfast in bed is good but oh those crumbs get everywhere. #
  • Dweeb in a multi-coloured woolly hat just put a leaflet through our letterbox offering to buy our gold and silver at a silly low low price. #
  • Chocolate is a bit hard straight from the fridge but I don't have the patience to wait for it to soften. #
  • Bad weather today. I blame the Large Hadron Collider. #
  • Email problems. I blame the Large Hadron Collider. It should have a shorter name like, "Bob". #
  • I never thought all those years ago that I'd be sitting here on the toilet twittering about the LHC. Ah well it's progress I suppose. #
  • Why are Jedward smoking pipes? Oh they're microphones. #
  • I feel all negative today. It's aliens! Or maybe it's the Large Hadron Collider affecting me. I have Higgs Bosontitis. #
  • 250 is too many for us. #
  • OMG Tiny ugly martians have landed. No wait, it's just the neighbours' kids. My they're ugly. I can't imagine what they're crossed with. #
  • I gave them something green and furry from the fridge and they've gone on their way. I bet I'll get nightmares tonight now. #
  • Well done Colly! #
  • Yay why can't England play like that all the time? #
  • Non fat casserole was nice but I fancy a greasy curry. Maybe tomorrow after my cholesterol tests. Might have a dripping sandwich as well. #