• A moth just landed on my nose. Someone must have opened my wallet. #
  • I hate recycling day. I could have had an extra hour in bed. Or two. #
  • "Restart windows"? It's taken me ages to get you started in the first place. #
  • I wish the BBC wouldn't loop 10 second video clips over and over and over. Be more interesting if they ran some backwards occasionally. #
  • Walking the dog with iPod on (on me not the dog) in shuffle mode and nearly every random song was Alma Cogan! Must have the wrong iPod! 🙂 #
  • Amazingly the sun came out today for a few hours. Fair perked me up. #
  • I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the sun. It's peeing down. Sounds like a flock of horses weeing off the roof. #
  • I always get the urge at this time of night… for pizza. #