The long held belief is that dinosaurs were all killed off at the same time by some cataclysmic event like an asteroid hitting the Earth.  This it’s suggested threw up a large dust cloud which blotted out the sun creating a ‘nuclear winter’.  The vegetation died off and the dinosaurs, unable to find food, all succumbed.


Dinosaurs were mostly herbivores and roamed the earth in large groups like the American Bison and modern day cattle.  This gives a clue as to what really happened to them.

Whilst there have been some fossil finds of dinosaur bones I don’t recall hearing of huge groups of dinosaur relics being found in single locations, which if the sudden demise of dinosaurs is to be believed we should expect to see.

It’s more likely that dinosaurs were wiped out by a specific virus.  Much as today we know of viruses that affect single species of plant or animal, a single dinosaur specific virus could have been the reason for the extinction of dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs would have roamed in large herds and with one or two being infected with the ‘dinosaur virus’ the infection would have spread rapidly amongst the herd.   Without a means of treatment dinosaurs would have just died progressively over time.  No sudden wipeout of the dinosaurs but a gradual, albeit at a rapid rate, demise.  This would have accounted for there being no mass ‘graves’ of dinosaurs.  As they became sick they would have slowed down, before dying, whilst the rest of the herd moved on.

Viruses by their very design must have been around since life began.  They cannot just be a manifestation of the modern age, or have started just as mankind developed the ability to identify them.

The extinction of dinosaurs by the ‘dinosaur virus’ is a much plausible cause than the impact of an asteroid which just happened to wipe out one species and leave all the rest intact.

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